Still running:
Filtch – Twitch doesn’t allow you to filter a specific game by title, this does.
The game id is hard-coded / configured. Currently live here for MTG.
It’s my most recent personal project and was written in Clojure.
Photoalbum – This is a project I did for my wife and I,
so that we could look at how our son changed the first year of his life.
It’s the first project I ever worked on and written in PHP 😨.
Recipes App – Search for Recipes by ingredients.
This is still running, but it’s not maintained and data isn’t updated.
Links to the recipes may not work. It was one of my first projects – also written in PHP 😱.
Very Old:
Hacker News History – View Hacker News by the hour.
It was written in JS for Node.js.
It’s not running anywhere anymore.
Pathfinder – Digital version of the board game.
It was written in JS for Node.js.
Includes a lobby with chat and challenging other players using, which was a lot of fun.
This was a collaborative University school project and it’s not running anywhere anymore.
Se você está procurando uma experiência de apostas online em Portugal, veio
ao lugar certo. Em nosso guia completo, abordaremos todos os aspectos
essenciais para garantir que sua jornada nas apostas seja não apenas
emocionante, mas também informada.
Portugal experimentou um notável aumento na popularidade das nos últimos anos. Com a regulamentação rigorosa e a crescente
conscientização sobre jogos responsáveis, os jogadores têm mais opções do
que nunca. Neste contexto, é crucial entender as nuances do cenário das
apostas online em Portugal.