My setup used to be Apache serving some php sites on different sub-domains, like this blog running on WordPress and a little photo-album.
When I started hosting node.js apps, I just put them on different ports. So I would share links like “Check out Pathfinder at“… which frankly doesn’t really represent the modern web very well, especially as a web-developer. What I really wanted was to put these apps onto different subdomains, but I didn’t want Apache to serve them, since node.js is perfectly capable of serving web applications.
I’m trying out HAProxy, which seems to do the job well so far.
I have HAProxy listening at port 80, and redirecting traffic to the node.js app mentioned above at the subdomain, and all other traffic currently gets sent to Apache which is listening on a different port. And Apache is still handling subdomains as well.
Here are the relevant parts of the HAProxy config file:
frontend http-farm bind *:80 mode http option httplog acl apache hdr(host) -m beg www. acl pathfinder hdr(host) -m beg pathfinder. use_backend apache_be if apache use_backend pf_be if pathfinder default_backend apache_be backend apache_be mode http server apache backend pf_be mode http server pathfinder
So in the configuration file you have to define a “frontend”, which is the part that listens on a port and accepts requests, as well as routes those requests to the “backends”.
acl apache hdr(host) -m beg www. acl pathfinder hdr(host) -m beg pathfinder.
As you can see, we define a few rules in the frontend, with the acl keyword. The apache rule looks for anything beginning with “www.” and the pathfinder rules looks for anything beginning with “pathfinder.”
use_backend apache_be if apache use_backend pf_be if pathfinder default_backend apache_be
We then tell it to use the defined backend “apache_be” if the acl rule “apache” is true, or the “pf_be” backend if the “pathfinder” rule applies.
If neither of them apply, we use the “default_backend” as a catch all.
There are of course a lot more options that HAProxy (documentation) provides, this is just how I decided to initially set it up.